Ottawa’s Independent iOS and Mac Developer and Designer Conference.

Ottawa, Canada. May 8-10, 2014.

What is NSNorth?

NSNorth is Ottawa’s premier independent iOS and Mac developer and designer conference.

It is a three day, single-track event that brings together developers, designers, and business leaders to explore new ideas, concepts, technologies, and develop new and existing friendships.

NSNorth can be thought of as a “boutique conference”, smaller in scale, but providing highly specialized, creative topics.

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Fantastic Speakers

We present some of the visionaries, experts, and builders in our industry who make a difference and want to share a story or two.

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Amazing Venue

The Museum of Nature is a “naturally” wonderful place to visit, learn, and explore.

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Creativity & Inspiration

Three days of thought provoking sessions, in-depth discussions, and fun activities that will leave you feeling inspired and energized.




Canadian Museum of Nature

240 McLeod Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 2R1

Over 100 years old, and newly renovated, this awe-inspiring facility has fascinating castle-like architecture with modern and comfortable amenities.